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Đà Lạt Tuyển Financial Manager

Thảo luận trong 'VIỆC LÀM ĐÀ LẠT - NHÀ TUYỂN DỤNG' bắt đầu bởi gpotaylor, 27/7/17.

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Cho thuê xe tự lái, hợp đồng du lịch, cưới hỏi - 0944 25 0000 xem chi tiết
  1. gpotaylor

    gpotaylor Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    GPO hiện đang cần tìm ứng viên làm việc tại Cầu Giấy đạt tiêu chuẩn cho vị trí:
    Finance Controller/ Financial Manager

    Job Responsibilities

    - Manage the budget and the regulations on financial management - budgeting: review, adjust and monitor the implementation of the budget of the departments in the company
    - Signing the documents on financial plan
    - Review and approval of the Director of Contracts and orders of business on the financial capacity of the Company.
    - Review and approval of financial expenditures - the budget for all activities of the Company on the basis of management plans and financial norms prescribed for each subject according to the principle of ensuring effective Product Quality and Post hard.
    Job Requirement

    - University degree in Finance, Accounting
    - Fluency in English.
    - At least 3 years in a similar position
    - Have a good relationship with the bank
    - Knowledge and skills of good financial management, good governance and financial reporting, false bank liquidity ..v.v ...
    - There is a high sense of responsibility at work

    Job Benefits
    • Salary: 3000$
    • Is the company full participation of social insurance, unemployment insurance
    • dynamic working environment, professional; competitive & high promotion opportunities

    Candidates please sent CV to rec3.gpo@gmail.com with subject titled:Name – Year of birth – Applied position. Example: Nguyen Ha – 1992 – FM

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