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Toàn Quốc Việc tuyển gấp - IT tại TPHCM

Thảo luận trong 'VIỆC LÀM ĐÀ LẠT - NHÀ TUYỂN DỤNG' bắt đầu bởi thulan580, 17/7/13.

Chia sẻ trang này

Cho thuê xe tự lái, hợp đồng du lịch, cưới hỏi - 0944 25 0000 xem chi tiết
  1. thulan580

    thulan580 Thành viên

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Việc IT tuyển gấp: KMS VietNam cần tuyen nhan vien Java Software Engineer.
    Mô Tả Công Việc
    If you are an experienced and highly motivated Java Web Application Developer, we bring a very exciting and challenging opportunity to you. Working within a fast growing team at KMS Technology, the winning candidate will join various software development projects. The responsibility includes: design, coding, troubleshooting and work with project team as well as customers on features/bug fixes.

    Benefits for career development:

    • Working in world class standard projects,
    • Working with many Java experts,
    • Joining great technical training activities,
    • English as our main business languages,
    • Joining English training courses,
    • Joining soft skills training courses,
    • Professional certificate exam reimbursement
    Yêu Cầu Công Việc

    General requirements:
    • Fluent in Java and J2EE technologies to develop web-based applications
    • Knowledge about OO design and patterns
    • Good English communication skills (especially reading and writing)
    • Experience with test-driven development, agile development and e-commerce domain knowledge is a plus

    Java team 1:
    • Good understanding on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), JMS, Multi-threading, ORM
    • Experience using EJB 3.0, JBoss Messaging, Hibernate, jQuery
    • Experience working with JBoss Application Server, Oracle 10g
    • Experience with Flex, VoIP/SIP is a strong plus

    Java team 2:
    • Experience using open-source frameworks in Java such as Spring, Struts, Apache Tiles, Hibernate, Lucene, Solr, Velocity
    • Experience working with Resin, Glassfish, Oracle 10g, MS SQL Server 2005

    Java team 3:
    • 6 – 15 years software development experience
    • Java
    • Spring (or other DI framework)
    • Eclipse & Subversion
    • Linux (or other *nix variant)
    • Technical documentation skills, e.g., UML
    • Distributed systems experience (IP socket protocols, HTTP, etc)
    • Hibernate, Postgres, JBoss, Google Protocol Buffers, Maven
    • Mac OS X, Redhat
    • SIP, RTP, RTSP, other telephony protocols
    • ASR Grammar development (GrXML, SRGS, etc)
    • IVR platform development (Edify, Nuance, Intervoice, Genesys, Cisco, etc)
    • VXML
    • Agile development methodologies (Scrum, XP, etc)

    Nguoi tim viec Nộp đơn qua email: hr@kms-technology.com

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